This is a (not conclusive!) list of good online resources for info about climate change. When you’re all read up and informed and just thinking about how much you need to go out into the world and educate others and stat a dialog about this why not check out our climate change activities resource pack?
The Basics
Royal Society summary (text)
Royal Society on Climate Change Myths (text)
Alevel chemistry student’s revision video on climate. Good on explaining how greenhouse gasses work. (video)
The Carbon Brief (climate science + policy website)
Met Office Climate Guide (text)
The Guardian FAQ on climate change (mixed)
An amazing interactive map that is also from the Guardian
The 5 scariest things that could happen or are probably already happening because of climate change (video)
Fracking explained with good graphics (interactive text)
A film about climate change science, politics, and The People’s Climate March (video)
Drilling deeper into Fracking (text)
The No-Nonsense guide to climate science (video)
The top 5 climate sceptic arguments and how to respond to them (video)
Latest climate news (text)
Even more climate news (text)
Green solutions
A carbon rationing system (text)
How solar panels work (text)
One Million Climate Jobs (text)
Book about sustainable energy (text)
This list is not finished!!! Partly because I’m about to go out and partly because I don’t have all the useful explaining climate change resources but I’m thinking that together we do right? email me at or message me on facebook (my name is Josie Tothill) if you have links to anything that could be useful for DFs around the country.